How to refill your e-cigarette?

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Refilling instructions for Clearomizera 
  1. Unscrew the drip from clearomizer
  2. Refill with liquid (pour onto inner wall of container).
  3. Screw the clearomizer/ together again. Wait 5 minutes or roll the clearomizer/ in hands (to let the heater soak up the liquid properly).
Refilling instructions for Clearomizer 
  1. Unscrew the battery from the clearomizer.
  2. Turn the clearomizer upside down.
  3. Unscrew the body from the sleeve.
  4. Refill with liquid (pour onto inner wall of container).
  5. Screw the clearomizer together again. Wait 5 minutes or roll the clearomizer in hands (to let the heater soak up the liquid properly).

Liquid refill

* To quickly and effectively refill your cigarette use: