How to clean your e-cigarette?

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E Cigarette

  1. Dismantle the e-cigarette into 4 parts: the battery, the drip, the clearomizer/volimizer (sleeve) and the heating unit. (In Atom clearomizers the drip is replaced by the body).
    • Drip/body and clearomizer – wash in running water, place vertically for a few hours (max. 2 hrs).
    • Heating unit and battery – never wash under running water – only wipe with slightly damp paper towel or toilet paper.
  2. Assemble the e-cigarette once all parts have dried. CAUTION: If the clearomizer/volimizer has not been dried properly, there is a possibility of suffering burns!


How to clean e cigarette* Burnt odor can be smelled:

      1. Try tilting or roll the clearomizer a few times and allow some time for the liquid to penetrate evenly.
      2. If the flavor is still off, the heating unit must be replaced with a new one (about 2 EUR)